Several GWACs and large agency IDIQ contracts are going to be open for bidders within the next few months. D2DInc is creating proposal templates for these opportunities that will be available for sale. Using our proposal templates will allow companies to ensure that their proposals are complete and compliant with all RFP requirements.

The templates are created in Microsoft Word for ease of use by the proposal writers. We note all formatting instructions in the template, including proposal structure of volumes and sections, requirements such as font type and size, page limitations, and anything else that might be required. We also incorporate all requirements regarding content, and provide templates for all forms and tables as needed. Opportunities for which templates are available include:

  • NIH CIOSP-3 – Template is currently available based on the draft RFP. It will be updated once the final RFP is released, but companies interested in bidding can get started now. Final RFP is expected in March 2010. Price: $2,500
  • Navy Seaport-e – Template is currently available based on RFP from last open admissions. It will be updated once the final RFP is released, but very few changes have been made over the last several iterations, so we recommend starting your proposal now. Open admissions is expected in April 2010. Price: $2,500
  • DHS Eagle II – Template will be available within 48 hours of RFP release. Reserve yours now so you can get started as soon as the RFP hits the street. Price: $2,500
  • Air Force NETCENTS 2: Templates are currently available based on draft RFPs for each of six functional areas. Price: $1,500 per functional area

If you purchase a template based on a draft RFP, updates based on the final RFP will be provided at no additional cost.

Want a template for another RFP response? Interested or have questions? Email Molly Gimmel at