D2DInc to attend WOSB Conference

On March 24, D2DInc will be attending the U.S. Department of Education Office for Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization's Women-Owned Small Business Conference. Emma Troxler will be representing D2DInc, so if you're there make sure to say hi! If you're looking for a teaming partner, be sure to check out our services page to see [...]

Making the Most of Industry Days

Working with the government requires a significant resource investment in marketing your products or services to program offices that buy what you sell. One of the most valuable resources available to you is the industry day. Many government agencies host regular industry days to meet with the business community. These events provide an opportunity for [...]

Surviving the End-of-Fiscal Year Spending Crunch

The end of the federal government’s fiscal year is upon us. A lot of the solicitations that our clients have been waiting to be released are finally starting to come out – all at the same time. You may be in the same situation. Here are some suggestions to help you manage multiple proposals at [...]

How to Choose Your Past Performances

When writing government proposals, whether for a competitive solicitation or a GSA Schedule, your company will almost always need to provide past performance references as a way of allowing the issuing agency to hear how well you performed under a previous contract with another client.Think of past performance as a way to write your company's [...]

Molly & Diana's Speaking Engagements for May

The passing of the Stimulus bill and the finalizing of the federal government budget have had numerous positive effects on the government contracting community. Money is now available so projects are moving forward, solicitations are being released, and contracts are being awarded. It’s amazing because not too long ago, many companies were suffering. These same [...]

March 10, 2009

Diana Dibble Kurcfeld is interviewed in the Wall Street Journal's article, Opportunity Knocks and Uncle Sam Is at the Door, as a government procurement subject matter expert.

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