May 2009

Molly K. Gimmel & Diana Dibble Kurcfeld's ThinkBusiness Magazine May 2009 article, The Bid-No-Bid Process: An Overlooked, But Important Sales Process Tool, focuses a well-known business function by government contractors. Solid Bid/No Bid decisions can be the difference between winning aand spending money on an unwinnable effort.

May 19, 2009

Diana Dibble Kurcfeld teams up with Rose Financial Services to present a seminar emphasizing the importance of infrastructure. The seminar, Accounting Infrastructure for Government Contractors- What You Need to Know Before You Win the Contract, showcased Kurcfeld speaking about how a business can translate its accounting infrastructure into the company's marketing and proposal efforts. Rose [...]

May 14, 2009

Diana Dibble Kurcfeld speaks about strategic alliances and how they can make your company more marketable and save money at a Women Presidents'Organization event hosted by Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker.

May 12, 2009

Molly K. Gimmel speaks about GSA Schedules- what you need to know and how to administer contracts after award- at the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) GovCon Specialist Interest Group (SIG) meeting.

Molly & Diana's Speaking Engagements for May

The passing of the Stimulus bill and the finalizing of the federal government budget have had numerous positive effects on the government contracting community. Money is now available so projects are moving forward, solicitations are being released, and contracts are being awarded. ItÂ’s amazing because not too long ago, many companies were suffering. These same [...]

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